A true undescended testis has stopped somewhere along the normal path of descent from the abdomen to distal to the inguinal ring.
- Congenital undescended testis: is one that has failed to reach the fundus of the scrotum by 3 months of age. This is a surgical testicle.
- Acquired undescended testis: refers to a testicle that descended previously, but at a later time can no longer descend into the scrotum.
- Ascending testicle (spring testicles / short spermatic vessels): is one that is in the scrotum in infancy, but the testicular position becomes progressively higher during childhood as the spermatic cord does not lengthen at the same rate as the child's body growth. These are surgical testes.
- Retractil testis: is a normally descended testicle that retracts into the inguinal canal as a result of cremasteric contraction. It can be manipulated to the bottom of the scrotum, regardless of its initial position, and remains in the scrotum after manipulation. This test is not surgical, it only requires follow-up.
- Ectopic testis: is one that has deviated from the normal path of descent and can be found in the inguinal region, the perineum, the femoral canal, the penopubic area or even in the contralateral hemiscrotal. This is a teste that needs surgical treatment.
- Non-palpable testis (true cryptorchidism): this may be an intra-abdominal teste or may have disappeared due to intrauterine or perinatal torsion. This condition is known as monorchia or anorchia if both testicles are absent. This scenario requires surgical treatment.
Surgical correction of undescended testis should be performed starting at one year old.
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* GW Holcomb, J Patrick Murphy, DJ Ostlie. Aschcraft´s Pediatric Surgery 6º Ed.
* JM Hutson, M O’Brien, SW Beasley, WJ Teague, SK King. Jones’ Clinical Paediatric Surgery 7º Ed.