Pediatric surgical calendar

Head and Neck


Process Intervention age Comments
Lingual frenulum


>12 months (usually wait until 5 years)

With anesthesia (wait to assess pronunciation of the "R")
Labial frenulum Once the permanent teeth have erupted General anesthesia



Most mucoceles tend to resolve spontaneously. Expectant management is advised. Excision if persistence or according to size.
Otoplasty >6 años (8 - 10 años)  With acceptance of the child (and it is advisable to assess the psychological impact)

Preauricular tags*

At any age Recommendation from 1 year of age. General anesthesia.

Preauricular fistulas*

Preauricular sinus

1 year (if drainage, with suspicion of cyst or complication)

Better results if operated on before they become infected.

Branchial fistulas and cysts* >3 years, if there is no clinic Better results if operated on before they become infected.

Eyebrow tail cyst

(Epidermoid cyst)

Recommended >1 year
Thyroglossal duct cyst Diagnosis To avoid superinfection and fistulization.
Cleft lip 3 - 6 months Variable depending on the type of cleft and technique used.
Cleft palate 9 - 18 months Variable depending on the type of cleft and technique used.

* Non-routine renal ultrasound (only in suspected syndromic process)



Process Intervention age Comments
Pectus excavatum and carinatum

>12 years recommended

Consider orthopedic treatment at any age.


>10 years if local anesthesia is considered If they are minimal, they can be left. In girls with breast tissue or areola, intervention.

Epigastric hernia

>3 years They do not resolve spontaneously.
Umbilical hernia >3 years Most resolve spontaneously

Dermoid Navels: Granulomas


If treatment with Silver Nitrate fails

Dermoid Navels: Cysts

Diagnosis (>3 years)


Dermoid Navels: Urachal rests

Diagnosis (>3 years) Prior treatment depending on size or symptoms (omphalomesenteric, patent urachus, cysts...)

Diastasis rectis

Does not require surgery




Process Intervention age Comments

>5 years.

Initially, treatment with corticosteroid ointment.

Diagnosis in: Balanitis xerotica obliterans, paraphimosis, obstructive uropathies, recurrent infections...

Short preputial frenulum Only if the child has symptoms. Preferably local anesthesia, from the age of collaboration.


12 - 24 months

It depends on the type and surgical technique.

Congenital hydrocele

>3 years

Surgical criteria:

- Patent peritoneovaginal communication >3 years.

- Non-communicating hydrocele under tension, with pain.

Cord cyst/Nuck cyst Same as hydrocele. The same criteria.

Acquired hidrocele


Inguinal hernia

Diagnosis Greater risk of incarceration the younger the child.


From 1 year.


See comments Whenever there is a decrease in testicular volume. If it is only a high degree, the benefit is doubtful.

Epididymal cyst

Spontaneous resolution. Only treat if pain or increase in size.

Vulvar synechiae

Imperforate hymen

Diagnosis Vulvar synechiae: it can be done in the office with topical anesthesia depending on the age and cooperation of the girl. If not, in the operating room with general anesthesia.




Process Intervention age Comments
Ingrown toenail


If conservative treatment fails. They are usually teenagers. Not indicated in neonates and infants. Assess with local anesthesia.

Spring finger


Pediculated: Neonatal.

Not pedunculated from one year of age.

Local anesthesia.

General anesthesia.


2 years.

1 year in hand

Before, if they affect the thumb clamp.




Process Intervention age Comments


Consider local anesthesia, and preferably >3 years.

Dermoid cysts

Diagnosis Consider local anesthesia, and preferably >3 years.

Palmar Hyperhidrosis

School age.

If conservative treatment fails. In adolescence.


Surgical calendar adapted from the website of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Surgery.