Congress presentations

Check out the conference presentations



  • 39º National Congress of the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME):

“Facial use of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin in the pediatric population. Systematic review. Society Presentation”



  • 20th Annual Congress of the European Paediatric Surgeons´ Association (EUPSA). Belgrado, Serbia:

“PIRS technique for the treatment of inguinal hernias in boys”

“Initial experience in Burnia technique for the treatment of inguinal hernias in girls”

“Initial experience in single port laparoscopic epigastric herniorrhaphy in children”

 “An exceptional presentation of perianal fistula”



  • 8th Annual Congress European Society of Pediatric Endoscopic Surgeons (ESPES). Bruselas, Bélgica:

“Initial Experience in the use of PIRS technique for the treatment of Inguinal Hernias and Hydroceles”



  • LVI Congress Sociedad Española de Cirugía Pediátrica (SECIPE). Madrid:

“Cervical Neuroblastoma exist”

  • 18th European Congress of Pediatric Surgery (EUPSA). Limassol, Chipre:

“Gastroschisis: Management and Results”

“Metabolic derangement parameters in Necrotizing Enterocolitis and its correlation with surgical findings and morbimortality”

“Correlation among pneumoperitoneum in surgical necrotizing enterocolitis: intraoperative findings and morbimortality”



  • XII Meeting Asociación de Cirujanos Pediátricos de Andalucía (ACPA). Córdoba:

“The efficacy of Propranolol in intracranial hemangiomal”

“The 4 P´s of NEC”

Never stop suspecting Cervical Neuroblastoma

“Self-amputated ovary: pathology to rule out within prenatally diagnosed intra-abdominal tumours

“Gallbladder in Phrygian cap and multi-septate: two rare entities

  • 23rd International Meeting of the Pediatric Colorectal Club. Praga, República Checa:

“Laparoscopic approach of intestinal obstruction due to a tight muscular cuff following transanal endorectal pull-trough”

  • LV Congress Sociedad Española de Cirugía Pediátrica (SECIPE). Oviedo:

“Pneumoperitoneum correlation with surgical findings and morbidity and mortality in necrotizing enterocolitis

“Gastroschisis Management Protocol”

“Abscesses in pediatrics are not always what they seem

“Biochemical and hematological analysis in necrotizing enterocolitis

  • XLIII Meeting Sociedad de Pediatría del Sureste de España. Murcia:

“The 4 P´s of NEC”

“Oh my DIOS!”

“What is cleidocranial dysostosis? About a case

“Gallbladder in Phrygian cap and multi-septate: two rare entities

“Giant gluteal neurofibroma and psychosocial involvement within the spectrum of type 1 neurofibromatosis

Consequences of the bronchogenic cyst: bronchial stenosis

Gastroschisis: Development of our action protocol

Pneumoperitoneum in Necrotizing Enterocolitis: a poor prognostic factor?



  • VII Meeting Sociedad Española de Anomalías Vasculares (SEAV). Madrid:

Neonatal use of Propranolol in Segmental Facial Hemangiomas

  • 54º Congress Sociedad Española de Cirugía Pediátrica (SECIPE). Alicante:

Neonatal use of propranolol in facial segmental hemangiomas

Functional and aesthetic evaluation of sacrococcygeal teratomas: 37 years of experience

What is this? It's a MEN IIB!”

  • XLII Meeting Sociedad de Pediatría del Sureste de España. Murcia:

Facial segmental macula: to rule out PHACE or Sturge Weber

Hepatic hemangiomas: 3 approaches

What is this? It's a MEN IIB!”

Mediastinal hemangioma and the importance of GLUT 1

Functional and aesthetic evaluation of sacrococcygeal teratomas: 37 years of experience

Neonatal use of propranolol in facial segmental hemangiomas



  • VI Meeting Sociedad Española de Anomalías Vasculares (SEAV). Pamplona:

Hepatic hemangiomas: 3 approaches

Mediastinal hemangioma and the importance of GLUT 1

  • XLI Meeting Sociedad de Pediatría del Sureste de España. Murcia:

Sacrococcygeal teratoma. About a case